Marche is a shoppers paradise! To only take home a souvenir from your visit would mean that you have missed out on some of Italy’s finest shopping experiences. Products vary from handmade crafts to specialist outlet warehouses (that include the most famous fashion brands, with prices to suit all budgets).
Below some links to some of the region's finest shopping experiences:
- Armani Outlet shopping - Shopping outlet; Add:Via Ottoni 7, Matelica, Le Marche.
Tod's S.p.a Outlet; Add: Corso Garibaldi 134, 63019 Sant'Elpidio a Mare, Ascoli Piceno, Marche.
Centro Commerciale Il Cuore Adriatico - Via San Costantino, 98, 62012 Civitanova, Tel: +39 0733 771387;
Gruupo GFT - Revedi - Clothing by Dior, Montana, Chiara Boni, direct from the manufacturer at the shopping outlet at Via Merloni 10, Matelica, Le Marche.
The Hugo Boss shopping outlet shop can be found at contrada da Molinetto – Morrovalle, Macerata, Le Marche; Tel/Fax: 0733 8631
Locations of Markets in Macerata Province
Mondays: Loro Piceno
Tuesdays: Mogliano,San Benedetto del Tronto am, Tolentino
Wednesdays: Amandola, Ascoli Piceno, Macerata
Thursdays: Sarnano am, Ancona
Fridays: Caldarola
Saturdays: Civitanova Marche – Le Marche ’s centre for leatherwear, shoes, clothing and handbags, Communanza
Sundays: San Ginesio am, Caccamo pm